The Enfield Town Board has designated me, Councilperson Robert Lynch, as its representative on the Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG). TCCOG is a committee of Tompkins County municipal officials, including Town Board members, village Mayors or Trustees and the like, organized under the auspices of Tompkins County Government.

Since the beginning of 2020, TCCOG has met bimonthly (on even months) to discuss selected topics of intermunicipal concern. Currently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we meet online, via zoom. Past zoom meetings are archived through the Tompkins County Legislature’s website.
What follows on the subheadings of this tab are the monthly reports I’ve presented to our Enfield Town Board that summarize the most recently held TCCOG meeting or meetings. The oral summaries I present at our meetings are shortened for sake of brevity. But the entire written reports, which I circulate among Town Board members, are included here, in reverse chronological order.