First, this posting on March 2, 2021:
Clerk Woods’ Choice
At our February 10th Enfield Town Board meeting, Town Clerk Ellen Woods confirmed her intention not to seek a second, two-year term. On March 2nd, 2021, Clerk Woods issued her formal announcement to that effect. She has requested I post her words here:
For Immediate Release
Enfield Town Clerk Ellen Woods formally announces that she will not seek the Office of Town Clerk in 2021.
‘I am proud of my achievements during my time as Enfield’s Town Clerk, including upgrading the security of Town Hall, increasing emphasis on Public Information, operating a Town Clerk Hotline for Enfield Residents during the COVID-19 pandemic, developing a paid learning and employment opportunity for a Tompkins Resident over 55, and maintaining safe and accessible Town Hall operations at all times.’

Town Clerk Ellen Woods sought the Democratic Nomination for Town Clerk in the 2019 Primary Election. The first primary in Enfield in 25 years, Town Clerk Woods won the primary by 5 votes. She went on to win the General Election in November 2019 and was sworn in as Enfield’s Town Clerk on January 2, 2021.
In July of 2020 the Enfield Town Board passed Local Laws to abolish the elected offices of Town Clerk and Highway Superintendent. The law to make the Town Clerk of Enfield appointed by a majority of the Enfield Town Board, subject to mandatory referendum in New York State, was defeated by 1368 Enfield voters (77%) in November of 2020.
Town Clerk Woods spoke passionately during this time for the inherent independence of a Town Clerk who is elected by the people and serves at their pleasure, urging Enfield voters to ‘Keep Enfield Elected’.
She has also advocated with the support of the Tompkins County Workers Rights Center for the Town of Enfield to join every other Town in Tompkins County in paying their Town Clerk at least a Living Wage Salary.
‘My respect for the vital role of Clerks in our government has grown steadily throughout my time as Town Clerk. The Office of the State Comptroller calls the Town Clerk ‘a pivot around which the Town Operates’, this is a very true statement.
I would like to abundantly thank each and every Town, Village, and County Clerk who offered our office support, connection, advice, and encouragement during this challenging time in government.’
I will always be a friend, ally, and support to the noble Office of the Enfield Town Clerk.
My greatest joy during my time in Office has been the opportunity to serve the residents of Enfield to the best of my ability. I would like to thank the residents of the Town of Enfield for the privilege to serve them.
I would also like to thank my excellent, dedicated team: Deputy Clerk Patricia Speno, Deputy Clerk Mary Cornell, and Summer Youth Intern Mela Cowan. Without your enthusiasm, willingness to learn, and open hearts, my time as Town Clerk would not have been as bright!’
The office of Enfield Town Supervisor, Three seats on the Enfield Town Board, as well the offices of Town Clerk, Highway Superintendent, and Town Judge will be on the ballot in the General Election in November 2021.
The petitioning period for June’s Democratic Primary begins today, March 2, 2021 and lasts through March 25, 2021. Candidates for other parties will petition later in the year. Due to the pandemic, signature requirements have been greatly reduced. For more information on running for office, Contact the Tompkins County Board of Elections at 607-274-5522, visit them at 128 East Buffalo Street, or check out: